Ifa Awo Training Manual

 Ifá is a universal conception of all life.The word Ifa refers to the mystical figure Ifa or Orunmila, regarded by the Yoruba as the deity of wisdom and intellectual development. Ifá Orisa Spirituality is an ancestral wisdom tradition steeped in nature. 

Ifá is a Yoruba religion and system of divination. Its literary corpus is the Odu Ifá. Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he is who revealed divinity and prophecy to the world  

Odu is a term that is seen in the Yoruba name for God, and Oduduwa, who happen to be the progenitor of Yoruba race. Odu is the mystical attributes of God, because he is the only being that knows all things that is known and unknown to the Irumole.

Ifa divination is a spiritual and physical investigation into you and helps to bring clarity and clear directives on the wisdom and knowledge on how to connect to your highest potential. 

Babaaláwo literally meaning 'father or master of the mysticism' in the Yoruba language) is a Yorùbá chieftaincy title that denotes a Priest of Ifá. Ifa is a divination system that represents the teachings of the Orisha Orunmila, the Spirit of Wisdom, who in turn serves as the oracular representative of God. 

Ifa priestesses are called Iyanifa. Awo is often used as a gender-neutral reference to individual Iyanifa or Babalawo, as well as to the group as a whole. An Awo is a spiritual counsellor to clients and those whom he or she may have assisted in receiving tutelary Orisa shrines and/or initiation into the spiritual tradition of the Orisa.

The Babalawo can ascertain the future through communication with Orunmila. This is done through the interpretation of either the patterns of the divining chain known as Opele or the palm nuts called Ikin on the traditionally wooden divination tray. Through the IFA Divination areas of your personal life that needs help and will be revealed

Awo undergo training in the memorization and interpretation of the 256 Odu or mysteries, as well as in the numerous verses or Ese of Ifa. Traditionally, the Babalawo usually have additional professional specialities. For instance, several would also be herbalists, while others would specialize in extinguishing the troubles caused by Ajogun. 

The Babalawo are, however, generally trained in the determination of problems and the application of both spiritual and related secular solutions to these problems. Their primary function is to assist people in finding, understanding and processing the vagaries of life until they experience spiritual wisdom as a part of their daily experience. 

The Awo is charged with helping people develop the discipline and character that supports such spiritual growth. This is done by identifying the client's spiritual destiny, or Ori, and developing a spiritual blueprint which can be used to support, cultivate and live out that destiny.

Because spiritual development of others is the charge of Awo, they must dedicate themselves to improving their own understanding of life and be proper examples for others. The Awo that does not hold his own behavior to the highest moral standards will fall out of favor with his or her Orisa community, thus creating a saituation where he will be judged more harshly than others would be for like transgressions.

Some Awo are initiated as adolescents, while others learn as full adults. In either case, training and years of dedication are still the hallmark of the most learned and spiritually gifted Awos. This is why on average, most Ifa initiates train for as long as a decade before they are recognized as "complete" Babalawos.

Ifa Awo Training Manual offers a wealth of information, personal rituals, and exercises that can be done right now to begin to tap this expansive spiritual system whether or not a mentor has been found. It will also offer new practicial tools for those who are already devotees of the tradition to deepen their understanding. 

Ifa Awo Training Manual is specifically designed for inner work including exercises and rites drawn from traditional practices in Africa but also embraces the evolution of that understanding to be useful and relevant for the 21st Century African Diaspora population.

 In the Ifa Awo Training Manual, you will learn: * About your unique spiritual anatomy and physiology based on Isese and Ifa * The power of your Ori and its influence in shaping your destiny.* The Pillars of Isese foundations in Ori, Egun, and Egbe. * The role in Iwa or Character in spiritual evolution and healing. * About Asaro meditation and how to use it to cultivate inner peace and healing. * How to cultivate a relationship with your ancestors & healing generational trauma.* 

About Egbe, your spiritual support system ,soul family & multidimensional worlds* The role of divination in securing answers and how to use a simple method to gain immediate direction and guidance. *

Sacred verses in the Ancient Ifa literary corpus to give us timeless guidance.* Sacred technology using Ewe and easy to find items.* Frequently Asked Questions of Beginners * How to begin the practice of Isese, Ifa Orisa Spirituality and more.lCick here learn more...


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