Ifa Awo Training Manual
Ifá is a universal conception of all life.The word Ifa refers to the mystical figure Ifa or Orunmila, regarded by the Yoruba as the deity of wisdom and intellectual development. Ifá Orisa Spirituality is an ancestral wisdom tradition steeped in nature. Ifá is a Yoruba religion and system of divination. Its literary corpus is the Odu Ifá. Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he is who revealed divinity and prophecy to the world Odu is a term that is seen in the Yoruba name for God, and Oduduwa, who happen to be the progenitor of Yoruba race. Odu is the mystical attributes of God, because he is the only being that knows all things that is known and unknown to the Irumole. Ifa divination is a spiritual and physical investigation into you and helps to bring clarity and clear directives on the wisdom and knowledge on how to connect to your highest potential. Babaaláwo literally meaning 'father or master of the mysticism' in the Yoruba language) i...